Photos – Fly Fishing on the Sacramento River
Logan Fly Fishing on the Sacramento River, Sundial Bridge Float to Anderson River Park. The Picture on the bottom is a Smelt Logan caught on the Trinity River the next day.

Larry and Bill finishing up Fly Fishing Trip on the Sacramento River, at the Anderson River Park Boat Ramp.

Fishing on the Sacramento River

Christine Hector with Rainbow Trout on th Sacramento River

Steve Coulter with Rainbow Trout

Steve with another nice Rainbow Trout near the Sundial Brige

Camille Coulter’s Rainbow Trout

Camille shows the Guides how it’s done!
Fishing on the Trinity and Sacramento Rivers

John’s nice Sacramento River Rainbow

Gary’s nice Sacramento River rainbow
Franks nice Trinity River Rainbow

Johns nice Trinity River Brown (Greg “Hecky” holding fish)

Fishing on the Trinity River with Joe and Ben
On this photo Rob Sardi and I, were fishing down by Willow Creek, we put in on the South Fork of the Trinity River. As you can see it is a scoured river bed (no trees) which is due to rise and fall of the Trinity River.
Photo’s from Greg Hector, Hookem Heckys Guide Service, on the Trinity River

Ben’s Steelhead on the Trinity River

Below Old Bridge in Lewiston, California, on the Trinity River

Hecky with clients on the Trinity River